Both savoir and connaître in French mean to know. For knowledge that has been acquired, such as facts or skill, use savoir. Know or be familiar with persons, locations, and academic fields by using connaître.
Examples with sentences to understand better
Savoir | Connaître |
Je sais cuisiner. I know how to cook. Je sais cette chanson. I know this song.(knowing the lyrics) | Je connais Rohan. I know Rohan. Je connais cette chanson. I know this song. (familiar) |
Both are irregular verbs in the present tense
Savoir | Connaître |
je sais tu sais il/elle/on sait nous savons vous savez ils/elles savent | je connais tu connais il/elle/on connaît nous connaissons vous connaissez ils/elles connaissent |
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